The Artist

Hi! I’m Jean!

I am a self-taught artist specializing in impressionistic style landscapes, florals and recently, angels!

My art journey began over 50 years ago when I first began watching my best friend Cindy’s mom paint in her basement. She was a wonderful artist and I was captivated by the colors and shapes that led to the beautiful images she was creating. I would spend hours there when she let me! One morning after observing her, she gifted me several half-used up tubes of paint, a couple of old brushes and two wood panels to paint on. I swiftly went home and took a box top of a landscape jigsaw puzzle for inspiration and went to work. I was is heaven; I had found my calling and my “happy place” at just 10 years old. 

Fast forward to high school years, a beloved Spanish teacher turned art teacher, Sister Benedetta, taught a charcoal drawing class that I enrolled in. Although I nearly failed her Spanish classes, she was surprisingly pleased with my natural ability in art! She went as far as to tell my parents that I had a gift and that I should continue to pursue it. My conservative parents didn’t think art was a promising career path, so they weren’t nearly as excited as I was, however I took that bit of encouragement and tucked it into my back pocket as I carried on my creative journey.

I was married young at age 20 and started to do art shows around the Detroit, Michigan area with my first husband who blessed me with two daughters  .  We moved to S. California in the 70s and had much success doing art shows up and down California.That marriage ended after 15 years which was devastating for me but I had my love for art to give the passion and love to keep me going.

And then …

The Internet was born , my art took off ….2003 Ebay !!! 2007 Etsy and 2019 Shopify!!!

I married again in 2013 to the most wonderful man and my best friend.

He’s also my biggest fan!! Together we have 6 children and 10 grandkids and a little dog named Poppy May !

I’m a blessed lady ! 

I am currently residing in Northern California about 1.5 hrs from Yosemite . 

I couldn't pick a more inspirational area to live in as an artist!

These days my art consists of California landscapes, florals and most recently more of a spiritual turn to creating Angel paintings !

In this world where we can feel sometimes without hope God’s love has always been a guiding  light for me!

I truly believe he sends his Angels to guide and protect us and I am continually in awe of feeling their presence !

Looking back over my life I would say my two earthly angels  were Cindy's mom and Sister Benedettta ! Thank you God for sending them!

I am so happy you have stumbled on my art here and I hope you find something that may bring you joy !